
Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Lauro Family

When Greta asked me to photograph her family I was honored. Being a photographer herself she knew what to expect. YALE again never holds back. It was a gorgeous day, not to cold and the kids had fun running around!


He is defiantly ready for YALE...

Dad & Nate


Ok seriously!!! This little boy has to be the funniest six year old I know...a young Jim Carey look a like with the humor and the funny faces. My cheek bones were hurting me from laughing and smiling!

Trey & Nate

Bryce I just noticed that you are all arms here, your feet are just hangin! Thank you Lauro's for letting me photograph for family!! Had a blast xxoo Christine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Christine! I LOVE them!