So I hardly ever blog about random stuff, so why not start today! Last night I was watching tv and this show that was on was so interesting...a women who was addicted to household cleanser, a women who ate chalk and a guy who was addicted to running. Now I run/jog (at a snails pace) but I dont know what came over me this morning..I had the urge to RUN! Not sure if the tv show hit a nerve or what.
So I started my run after the kids got on the bus...headed to my start point and off I went. At my two mile point I was feeling good, I didnt wanna stop. I passed my start point and went to the beach, looping Lighthouse Park. Jogging by the water there was an older man who was walking, holding tightly to his cane. I saw his lips move so I took my ear buds out and said "what"? He said "you can run a four minute mile"and he chuckled....I put my buds back in and laughed! If that isnt an incentive to keep running than I dont know what it....
As I listen to an array of music on my ipod I came to a song that would be played nonstop and made me wanna keep going. Moving onto mile four my thighs were frozen but the rest of my body was sweaty. I wore socks today (normally I dont wear socks when I run) but since it was nineteen degrees out I though hey why not! Going up a slight hill I though to myself "ok stop now"...but i didnt, a voice popped in my head and said "come on Ferrie you can do it". Now there is only one person who says that to me....DP! So up the hill I went and onto mile five...then six
It was either the voice in my head that was pushing me or the sneakers?!
Ya that would be frozen sweat on my forehead...i think?
Yes i run with my phone...
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